Wellness at LEA

At LEA, we recognise that mental and emotional wellbeing are key contributors to a positive school experience, and academic success. Erin, our school counsellor, builds a relationship with each of our learners, working closely with teachers and parents alike to support this goal.

Foundation Phase
Erin runs various workshops in our classes, as the need arises. Past workshops include ‘My Body My Rules’, ‘Kindness and Respect’ and ‘What are these Big Feelings’.

Intermediate Phase
LEA’s Body Awareness workshop is run annually and we dive into understanding the changes that early adolescents will be experiencing both physically, emotionally and socially.

Senior Phase
Erin supports our teens as they navigate all of the challenges that come with being an adolescent. Wellness Workshops form part of their timetable, and this is an opportunity for our learners to regularly touch base with Erin around what is happening in the class – academically, socially, and emotionally. In Grade 9, Erin and Lauren run subject choice workshops with our learners, supporting them with this important decision.

FET Phase
Erin is integral when it comes to career counselling for our older learners, looking at where a learner’s passion lies, what their academic strengths are and how these align with their career options. We uncover what tertiary education options are available to learners and what academic scoring is needed to pursue these options. She has supported past learners with moving into their various passions and interests, which include psychology, IT, fitness and personal training, teaching, and engineering.

Erin also offers one-on-one intervention with learners that are in need. She has an open door policy, and any learner or staff member who wishes to spend time with her can do so. Learners can also be referred to Erin via their parents, caregivers or teachers.